If you are interested in selling your property please complete the form below. Once we have received your details a document will be sent for you to sign.

Contact Details

Property Details

Is the property owned by a company ?

 yes no

If yes, are the directors or secretary available to sign transfer on settlement?

 yes no

Are all buyers Australian Citizens or permanent residents?

 yes no

Will property be sold under a Power of Attorney?

 yes no

If yes, is the Power of Attorney registered in the Titles Office?

 yes no

Is the property mortgaged?

 yes no

If yes, who is it mortgaged with?

Does a paper certificate of title exist?

 yes no I don't know

Has the council or another company installed a structure on your land that could affect the future owner's use?

 yes no

Are there tenants in the property?

 yes no

If yes, will they be vacating prior to settlement?

 yes no

Have smoke alarms been installed?

 yes no

Have safety switches been installed?

 yes no

Are there any fixtures which are not included in sale?

 yes no

If yes, please give details

Have the property rates for the last month been paid?

 yes no

What date has rates been paid until?

Are you able to provide all property access keys and access cards on settlement?

 yes no

Is the house and other structures on property insured?

 yes no

Has there been any orders or warrant of execution affecting the property?

 yes no

Do you know of any current claims, notice or proceedings affecting the property?

 yes no I don't know

Are you obligated under the Environmental Protection Act to give the new owners notice of certain activities conducted on the land?

 yes no I don't know

Do you know of any circumstances that may lead the land being classified as contaminated?

 yes no I don't know

Are their any encroachments from your property or your neighbours?

 yes no I don't know

Have you received a notice to develop or alter a railway or road on your property?

 yes no I don't know

Is there a driveway to access the property which unlawfully passes through other land?

 yes no I don't know